Wednesday, August 12, 2020

SimRace1 Swansea

 Hi everyone! If you came here from SimRace1 Swansea's Facebook post, then chances are you already know who I am and who they are. In any case, welcome! I'll try to stop recycling my Bucket List content and bring some actual stuff on here instead of rambling on about what I did last summ... this spring. In the mean time, I reckon it's my turn to give SimRace1 a little promotion.

They have what's called their Fast & Furious events. Now, I must point out that they have nothing to do with a certain blockbuster movie franchise, but that's the name they've decided upon... Anyway, they have two such events occurring this month, both catering to different levels of racing skill. The Pro event is happening on Saturday the 22nd of this month, and is for highly-skilled drivers who want to test themselves against the best. Racers will compete in a tournament event, with the highest-place finishers from each race going on to compete in the final. Meanwhile, the Intermediate event, taking place on Saturday the 29th, is all about the rookie racers and the rising stars not yet ready to turn Pro. This event uses a team-race format, with two drivers per car taking it in turns to drive stints. Both events start from around 19:00, and run for about two-to-three hours.

Both of these events still have seats available (as far as I'm aware), so if you live in or near to the Swansea area and reckon you're: a) a hotshot who counts themselves among the top racers in the area, or b) a rookie looking for an introduction into the world of simulation racing with other people, then be sure to get in contact with SimRace1 Swansea to register your interest. I can personally attest to the people at these events being friendly, welcoming, and passionate about sim racing, and I myself will also be present. I look forward to seeing you there, and on this blog!

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