Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Bucket List Episode 6: BTCC

Being a Brit, I've naturally gone to watch a few rounds of the British Touring Car Championship. I'm not really going to repeat what I said about touring cars a couple of episodes ago, but really, if you get the chance to watch a touring car race, do it. Those guys always put on a show!

This time on the Bucket List, I set up a race at Snetterton, the site of the BTCC's 60th Anniversary race weekend in 2018 (one of the races I spectated). Well, I say a race, but it was actually two races with a reverse grid (and some rain, and some success ballast) for the second. The cars would be Shaun Clarke's BTCC pack, featuring touring cars from Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Ford, Honda and Toyota, allowing me to replicate a good chunk of the BTCC grid. These cars are great fun to drive, and Shaun Clarke has clearly settled into his niche of British racing car mods, as each one of his cars are among the best free mods available in my opinion.

In case you were wondering how I did in the races, I won the first race, got sent to the back with a 60kg success ballast for the second race, and ended up finishing third. I think I should probably have cranked up the AI difficulty just a little bit...

If you're interested in driving the BTCC pack (and I reckon you should), you can download it from Shaun Clarke's site here. Meanwhile, the Snetterton Circuit I use is by Terra21, and can be downloaded here.

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